NVIS Compatibility Measurements
Our OL 770-NVS and OL 750-NVG systems are designed specifically for certification of NVIS-compatible displays and lighting components per MIL-STD-3009/ MIL-L-85762A. See which configuration is best suited to your requirements!

The OL 770-NVS Night Vision Display Test and Measurement System is a high-speed, CCD-based spectroradiometer which offers a complete solution for measurement of NVG-compatible lighting and displays. The NVS test system features multi-channel detection for ultra-fast measurements while exceeding all MIL-L-85762A Appendix B requirements. It is portable and lightweight, and offers a choice of measurement modes.

The OL 750-NVG is a specifically configured version of the OL 750 Spectroradiometer for NVG compatibility measurements. This complete turnkey system exceeds the requirements of MIL-L-85762A and incorporates direct viewing imaging optics. An optional built-in photometer is available, and as with all of our spectroradiometers, all calibration software is provided.