Laboratory Research
These precision research-grade instruments are specifically designed for versatility in laboratory applications including photobiological studies, mutagenesis research, and UV biological experiments in compliance with the latest laboratory standards such as ASTM, IEC, and ISO. Our Turnkey Photobiology Testing Kits include the Simulator, Power Supply, Dual-Input Data Logging PMA2100 Radiometer, NIST-traceable PMA-Series UVA, UVA+B, and Photopic Sensors, safety glasses, and many other accessories so you can start testing instantly!

Photobiology Testing Solar Simulator Kits are designed for versatility in laboratory applications including photobiological studies, mutagenesis research, and UV biological experiments. They produce solar UV radiation in the 290-400nm range, and can be quickly and easily configured by the user to provide UVA only, UVB only, UVA+B, or visible light optionally. With 98% uniformity available in the 6″ (15.25 cm) beam’s central usable area, these precision research-grade instruments are specifically designed to comply with the latest laboratory standards such as ASTM, IEC, and ISO. These units can reliably produce UV levels several times stronger than tropical sun without any of the associated heat load. Our Turnkey Photobiology Testing Kits include the Simulator, Dual-Input Data Logging PMA2100 Radiometer, NIST-traceable PMA-Series UVA, UVA+B, and Photopic Sensors, and many other accessories so you can start testing instantly!

UVB Output Solar Simulators are the industry standard in advanced SPF testing hardware, relied upon by over 95% of the world’s SPF testing laboratories for their unparalleled quality, accuracy, and reliability! These models are fully complaint with the latest FDA, JCIA and ISO recommendations for in vivo and in vitro SPF testing of sunscreens, as well as a wide variety of dermatological research such a photo allergy and photo toxicity studies. Everything required for instant testing right out of the crate is included direct from the factory: Solar Simulator, Power Supply, Automatic Dose Controller, NIST-traceable SUV or UVB Sensors, safety glasses, and all related accessories.