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Solar Light, LLC

Learn About Our Solarmeter Line of Products on Our Updated YouTube Channel

Alyssa Saftlas

Are you interested in learning more about our Solarmeter® line of products?

Solar Light Company, LLC proudly announces the addition of 15 new videos to our YouTube channel. These videos will cover the technical specifications and functional operation of our Solarmeter brand of handheld light meters measuring UVA, UVB, UVC, visible light, and  visible light + near IR meters.

Is this the first time you’re hearing about our Solarmeter line?

In May 2015, Solar Light Company, LLC obtained the assets of Solartech Inc., an acquisition that also included the Solarmeter line of high-quality light meters. Over the past year and a half, we’ve expanded the amount of scientific light meters, sensors, and light sources we offer to our customers all over the globe, with many products purchased by prominent scientific research facilities and universities.

Some of the many products that you’ll find featured on our updated YouTube channel include the popular Model 5.0 Total UV (A+B) Meter, Model 6.2 UVB Meter, and the Model 6.5 UV Index Meter. While watching the videos for all 15 light meters, convenient pop-up cards and annotations will link you directly to the data sheets for the products, as well as the relevant scientific white papers for applicable models listed at

Likewise, the Solarmeter site has been updated for a sleeker look and more functionality, with more specifications, spectral graphs, charts, and pictures than ever before.

Here at Solar Light Company, LLC we strive to offer our customers products that will help usher in the next generation of world-changing scientific breakthroughs. For over 50 years, we have been recognized as America’s premier manufacturer of precision ultraviolet light sources, solar simulators, and radiometers. Our line of UV, visible, and light meters, and IR radiometers measure environmental, industrial, laboratory, and health-related light levels with NIST traceable precision. Aerosol, column ozone, and water vapor thickness measurements all over the world are performed using our atmospheric line of instrumentation. We also provide NIST traceable spectroradiometric analyses, calibrations for light meters and light sources, accelerated ultraviolet radiation degradation testing of materials, and OEM instrumentation and monitors. Please browse our website for more details, specifications, and pictures, and please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information!

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