Current Sources
Our line of microprocessor-controlled, precision DC current sources are designed specifically for operation of our calibration standards. In addition to providing highly accurate output current, our current sources feature special design features, such as controlled ramp up/ ramp down of the lamp current and a “lamp library” for storing & recalling operating parameters.

Solar Light’s versatile NIST-Traceable PMA-Series Datalogging Radiometers / Photometers are designed for scientific professionals, offering unparalleled accuracy and flexible data management. These unit accepts over 85 different PMA21xx-Series sensors measuring UV, Visible, and IR wavelengths. Choose from the advanced Model PMA2100 Dual-Input Data Logging Radiometer or the standard Single-Input Model PMA2200.

The OL 46D features complex automatic lamp starting and operating supplies. When the supply is turned on, a starting voltage is supplied to heat the filament. After approximately 20 seconds, the initial regulated filament voltage is reduced by 30% and the high voltage circuit is switched on. Following the high voltage pulse striking the lamp arc, a precision DC lamp current is established.