OL 46D Deuterium Lamp Power Supply
The OL 46D features complex automatic lamp starting and operating supplies. When the supply is turned on, a starting voltage is supplied to heat the filament. After approximately 20 seconds, the initial regulated filament voltage is reduced by 30% and the high voltage circuit is switched on. Following the high voltage pulse striking the lamp arc, a precision DC lamp current is established.

The OL 46D features complex automatic lamp starting and operating supplies. When the supply is turned on, a starting voltage is supplied to heat the filament. After approximately 20 seconds, the initial regulated filament voltage is reduced by 30% and the high voltage circuit is switched on. Following the high voltage pulse striking the lamp arc, a precision DC lamp current is established. The OL 46D is for use with OL 752-12 Deuterium Standards, OL UV-40 Ultraviolet Standards and OL 440-8-OH UV Integrating Sphere Standard of Spectral Irradiance.