Radiometers / Photometers
Solar Light’s versatile NIST-Traceable PMA-Series Datalogging Radiometers / Photometers are designed for scientific professionals, offering unparalleled accuracy and flexible data management. These unit accepts over 85 different PMA21xx-Series sensors measuring UV, Visible, and IR wavelengths. Choose from the advanced Model PMA2100 Dual-Input Data Logging Radiometer or the standard Single-Input Model PMA2200.

Advanced automated dose controller and meter for PMMA plate pre-irradiation in vitro to meet ISO24443 and FDA requirements, sunscreen testing in vivo to meet ISO24442 and FDA requirements, accelerated UV testing of materials / fade and color fastness testing, phototoxicity studies, general biological laboratory research, and photovoltaic cell testing.

Solar Light’s versatile Model PMA2200 Single-Input Radiometer accepts over 85 different PMA-Series sensors measuring UV, Visible and IR wavelengths.

Solar Light’s Model PMA2100 Dual-Input Data Logging Radiometer is a research grade instrument that can be used with over 85 different PMA-Series Digital Sensors. It functions as a light meter, photometer, and UV meter measuring UVA, UVB, UVC, Visible, and IR light.

The OL 731 USB Smart Detector is a low-cost, flexible, programmable, compact radiometer-photometer that can easily be set up for specialized needs.