Urban Horticulture
Cultivate and preserve healthy plants using the Solarmeter® GrowMeters, and Solar Light’s Digital and/ or Analog Quantum Light (PAR) calibrated sensors. Our point-and-click NIST-traceable meters are used to monitor lamp intensity and aging for horticultural applications. By measuring the intensity of luminaires and grow lights, these meters will ensure lamps are performing as needed to produce healthy valuable crops.

Solar Light’s Model PMA2132 Digital Quantum Light (PAR) Sensor measures the photon flux in wavelength range from 400 to 700 nm. There is a proportional relationship between the number of photons absorbed in 400 to 700 nm band and the rate of photosynthesis in plants.

Model 9.6G Red Light GrowMeter monitors the red light intensity that produces beautiful flowers and delicious fruit.