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Solar Light, LLC
Alyssa Saftlas

OLED Burn-in Testing Results: A Breakthrough for Visual Reliability

OLED Burn-in Testing Results

OLED Burn-in Testing Results: A Breakthrough for Visual Reliability

OLED displays are susceptible to a phenomenon known as “burn-in,” when prolonged exposure to static images or high-contrast content can result in uneven aging of the pixels. This can lead to a permanent, visible ghost image or distortion on the display. Burn-in testing, also known as aging or soak testing, is a process used to assess the stability and reliability of electronic devices, such as display screens. Manufacturers use these tests to identify weaknesses in their products and implement design improvements to enhance overall performance and longevity.

OL 770-DMS Display Measurement System 

The OL 770-DMS Display Measurement System was developed to meet the needs of R&D, production, and quality assurance. It is available in UV-VIS-NIR wavelength ranges, is capable of 25+ spectral scans per second with USB interface, and can instantly render accurate color, luminance, and spectral information at the click of a button. The portable, lightweight system features high sensitivity and powerful, adaptable Windows®-based software. The system includes the OL 610 Imaging Telescope, which couples a CCD camera with direct viewing optics for precise viewing of the measurement target area. It allows for remote viewing in locations that might otherwise be inaccessible and is available in 0.5° and 1° fields-of-view.


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